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Nancy Parker has been a contributing member of the blogosphere for years as she weaves tales of healing journeys and Zen insights. Her first novel is an intriguing adventure story within a high-tech gamer's paradigm and won't disappoint her Internet readers.

Born in New Jersey, Parker spent her teens living in Pittsburgh. until she moved to California when she was 17 to attend college and start a new life in the sun. After graduating, she stayed on campus to design and implement the first microcomputer technology center for the student body. Parker spent the next two decades building a support infrastructure that blended her unique Zen approach to business management, coupled with humor and hard work that were the hallmark of the team she inspired. She left her career due to illness in 2008 and in 2010, the college named the student computer lab in her honor.

On her website, Nancy openly discusses how she adapts to the health challenges she faces and hopes that sharing her story can help others. Her YouTube video on Dysautonomia is an outreach to everyone who faces a life limiting chronic illness.

In addition to the social networking epic adventure, In The Lila, Parker has published a cookbook. The 30-Day Vegetarian, explores the treasures of cruelty minimized eating as well as introducing her readers to a whole new showcase of ancient grains, pulses and good old fashion comfort food at its best.

Also a talented composer, Nancy Parker has authored several meditation and relaxation tracks that are available as MP3 downloads in addition to a series of videos.

When faced with her own healing adventures Nancy believes that there are many roads and at the end of the day it matters only that you continue to travel.

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